Saturday, March 29, 2008

The cat and dog were done to match a shower curtain for the kids' bathroom.


Unknown said...

I LOVE your work! My husband and I are both artists. he paints wildlife pictures and gives them away. I paint with watercolor, pen and ink mostly I do my own version of PA german Frakturs- You know a heart or circle shaped document. (I used to make Birth/Baptism Certificates but naymore now I do like a birth announcement.) I surround the document with story book bears usually. I'll have to place some more in my blog. I use Winsor- Newton watercolors and Waterford, mould made Hot Pressed paper. Since I can't get Rapidograph cartridge pens anymore I have been using Rapidosketch, which is refillable, and thos Micron throw aways.


kathy malott said...

wow, thank you. I love to paint especially "kids' art". I worked mostly in watercolor; did a lot of portraits (of children mostly...or mother/child...very sweet!) But recently I've done a lot of acrylic on canvas. I like oil too, but I have so little time that I found that maybe its not the right time in my life to be working in that medium.

Thanks for your comment! I appreciate it.

Art inspired by God's word and all of his creation